Artist. Researcher. Educator.
Artist. Researcher. Teacher.
Artmaking (6) Dissertation Writing (3) Graduate School (2) Home Page (8) Photography (1) postcards (2)
artist's dates (1) artistic problem solving (1) creative fatigue (1) creative life (1) creative rest (2) cyanotypes (1) darkroom (2) dissertation art (1) photography (2) Reading (1) textile arts (1) Writing (1)
Back in the 90s, I occasionally sent friends photo postcards. I used stick-on postcard backs, which make the photos a little stiffer and postcard like, or I just drew a vertical line down the back of a regular photo lab photo, addressed it, and threw a stamp on it. Now, thirty years later, I’ve come…
Today I got in my darkroom for the first time in over a year. I made a lot of dumb mistakes, and wasted a lot of paper, but today I got in my darkroom for the first time in over a year.
I’ve spent the last several months taking a creative break, creative sabbatical, creative rest. I haven’t been making or doing anything. I’ve allowed myself to completely give up my artistic practices. I have been going on artist’s dates.
I successfully defended my dissertation a few weeks ago. I am now “Doctor.” The defense went wonderfully, and it was a really positive end to a very long… experience. (I hate the word “journey” when used to describe doctoral programs.) I thought after I finished my dissertation, I would have a lot more time to…
In February or March, I started playing with cyanotypes on fabric. Doing cyanotypes in winter in Minnesota is… not the easiest thing to do, but I was just experimenting, playing around. Over a period of several months, I kept experimenting with different natural materials, different weather conditions, different exposure times. And then, somehow, my cyanotypes…