Dating My Inner Artist
I’ve spent the last several months taking a creative break, creative sabbatical, creative rest. I haven’t been making or doing anything. I’ve allowed myself to completely give up my artistic practices. I have been going on artist’s dates.
Seeking Creative Rest
I successfully defended my dissertation a few weeks ago. I am now “Doctor.” The defense went wonderfully, and it was a really positive end to a very long… experience. (I hate the word “journey” when used to describe doctoral programs.) I thought after I finished my dissertation, I would have a lot more time to…
Creating Cyanotypes, Creating a Dissertation
In February or March, I started playing with cyanotypes on fabric. Doing cyanotypes in winter in Minnesota is… not the easiest thing to do, but I was just experimenting, playing around. Over a period of several months, I kept experimenting with different natural materials, different weather conditions, different exposure times. And then, somehow, my cyanotypes…